Monday, March 31, 2008

southwest anxiety - 10/15/07

For all us cheap travelers, we seem to meet up at the same place in life - at the airport fighting frantically for a spot in the “A” line. If by chance you forgot to get online at least 24 hours in advance you are probably going to sit in a “B” seat and if you checked in at the airport, it’s going to be “C.” I decided that if I get the “C” ticket anymore, it’s just not worth flying. It always seems like there are 900 people getting on the plane before you (even when the plane only seats 150!) and you end up having to gate check your carry-on’s because there is no room in the inn. Try talking to the gate agent about NOT gate checking an instrument. That concept doesn’t even register to ANY employee of any airline. It’s always the same discussion -

“Sir you are going to have to gate check that item.” “Well I can’t, because you won’t insure it? ..and i’ve seen how they toss the bags off the conveyer belt.” “Sir you are holding up the line, just check that item please.” “I guess I wasn’t clear - I’M NOT CHECKING THIS!” I guess you have to be a musician to understand this little conundrum that we face each time we fly. It would be like gate checking your child I guess. I’ve even seen a musician buy a 2nd seat in order to carry on an instrument. I hope to see you in line “A” in the future. If not, I’ll try to save a middle seat!

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